Uni-mecc is a technologically advanced company. It is capable of processing considerable orders quickly and efficiently, thanks to an adequate organization and its skilled and experienced staff and last but not least to our equipment, which is periodically updated with latest generation machinery.

Under the slide show you can find a list of our company’s technologies.

Category of Machinery TECHNICAL FEATURES
Cutting and bevelling 10 / 40 20 / 350 double cutting – cutting, facing and bevelling
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling + fil threading
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling + fil threading
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling + fil threading
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 70 13 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 76 13 / 500 cutting, facing and beveling – objective length monitoring
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 76 13 / 500 cutting, facing and bevelling – objective length monitoring
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 76 13 / 590 cutting, facing and bevelling – objective length monitoring
Cutting and bevelling 8 / 76 13 / 590 cutting, facing and bevelling – objective length monitoring
Cutting and bevelling 12 / 55 15 / 340 double cutting – cutting, facing and bevelling – objective length monitoring
Cutting and bevelling 10 / 81 12 / 350 cutting, facing and beveling + fil threading / objective length monitoring (inapplicable if filleting process (o threading) / turning process/ reaming)
Cutting and bevelling 10 / 80 12 / 350 cutting, facing and bevelling – objective length monitoring

C.so IV Novembre 58
10070 CAFASSE (TO)

Tel. +39 0123 341830
Fax +39 0123 341828
P.Iva 05969730018

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